Food Supplies Poster

Call For Donations Amid Covid-19

The world has been shaken by the unexpected Covid-19 virus which has killed thousands of people and infected hundreds of thousands more across the globe.

Whilst the number of infected remains zero in the Eastern Cape province, the country is seeing a steady increase which currently stands just over 150 infected people with local transmission of over 15 people.

In response to the spread of the virus and to curtail further transmissions because it is airborne, the South African government has closed all schools for a month with a likelihood of an extension.

This has caused a strain on our resources because the 20 beneficiaries who reside at Touching Acts boarding home will now spend more time at the home, an occurrence which was not budgeted for. Also, the majority of donations we receive are designated by the donor to school-related funds, leaving a huge gap that needs to be filled for food items.

Touching Acts is a Mthatha-based boarding home which houses 20 underprivileged children who used to live in a municipal dumpsite called eTipini in Mthatha. We provide accommodation, food, and transport to school. This is all made possible by a number of private donors including OR Tambo District Municipality and Arm in Amr in Africa

It is due to this reason that we must request more donations from our donors and to citizens with the means to donate non-perishable food items and sanitizers to kindly lend a helping hand. Financial donations of at least R100 are also welcome.

We will use the funds to purchase other items which would not have been donated. We look forward to your kind donations which come from the bottom of your warm hearts.

Please find banking details:

Bank Name                         : First National Bank

Account Holder                 : Touching Acts NPC

Account Type                     : Gold Business Account

Account Number              : 62749773281

Branch Code                      : 250655

Reference                           : Name.Surname

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