Boarding Home A Safe Haven For Children

The importance of children in our society is enshrined in the book of Ephesians chapter 6 verse 4, “Parents do not exasperate your children but bring them up in perfect training”.

Touching Acts continues to abide by this scripture, and it is because of this that children at the boarding house have now began depositing positivity in all things through learning like self-worth, instead of harbouring low self-esteem.

Their positive outlook to life has also been aided by exercising and good eating habits coupled by a nutritious balanced diet provided at the home during this period of a National Lockdown. A healthy body equals a healthy mind.

Keeping these boys and girls together at the boarding home has become the support structure to their parents who are battling to take care of them. There are several productive activities that these children have been involved in during the lockdown. Programs which they would have missed had they returned to the their home.

Such programs are focus group discussion based on subjects they are learning from school. By remaining at the boarding home, Touching Acts can facilitate both online and in-person study lesson so that when schools commence, these children will not be left behind.

Their matron has also instilled a welcomed routine of morning and evening devotions which build their spiritual being. They are growing to be strong prayer warriors.

Furthermore, fitness exercises have become a mentally strengthening daily routine.

If the boarding home would have released the children during lock down period not only would they be in a risk to be infected with the various but also they would return to an environment still under the stronghold of criminals, leaving them to witness brutal murders, rape and risk being victims themselves. To date, they have not encountered any of these acts whilst staying at the boarding home. Instead, the caregivers and sponsors have been unwavering in their support of these children so that the end result and product that comes out will be a dream come true and a model that together we can make World Class Leaders from previously disadvantaged children.

Touching Acts is very grateful to all the individuals and organisations who supported us throughout the lock down, you have made it possible for us to put food on the table, keep the lights on and pay our monthly rental.

May God richly bless you!!

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